Source code for text_renderer.effect.line

import typing
from typing import Tuple

import numpy as np
from PIL import ImageDraw

from text_renderer.utils.bbox import BBox
from text_renderer.utils.draw_utils import transparent_img
from text_renderer.utils.types import PILImage

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from text_renderer.config import TextColorCfg

from .base_effect import Effect

[docs]class Line(Effect): def __init__( self, p=0.5, thickness=(1, 3), lr_in_offset=(0, 10), lr_out_offset=(0, 5), tb_in_offset=(0, 3), tb_out_offset=(0, 3), line_pos_p=(0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1), color_cfg: 'TextColorCfg' = None, ): """ Draw lines around text Args: p (float): probability to apply effect thickness (int, int): line thickness lr_in_offset (int, int): left-right line inner offset lr_out_offset (int, int): left-right line outer offset tb_in_offset (int, int): top-bottom line inner offset tb_out_offset (int, int): top-bottom line outer offset line_pos_p (:obj:`tuple`) : Each value corresponds a line position. Must sum to 1. top, bottom, left, right, top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right, horizontal_middle, vertical_middle color_cfg (TextColorCfg): if not None, get color from cfg """ super().__init__(p) self.thickness = thickness self.lr_in_offset = lr_in_offset self.lr_out_offset = lr_out_offset self.tb_in_offset = tb_in_offset self.tb_out_offset = tb_out_offset self.line_pos_p = line_pos_p self.color_cfg = color_cfg def apply(self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: # TODO: merge apply top/bottom/left.. to make it more efficient func = np.random.choice( [ self.apply_top, self.apply_bottom, self.apply_left, self.apply_right, self.apply_top_left, self.apply_top_right, self.apply_bottom_left, self.apply_bottom_right, self.apply_horizontal_middle, self.apply_vertical_middle, ], p=self.line_pos_p, ) return func(img, text_bbox) def apply_horizontal_middle( self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox ) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: row = np.random.randint(1, img.height - 1) thickness = np.random.randint(*self.thickness) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.line( (0, row, img.width, row), fill=self._get_line_color(img, text_bbox), width=thickness, ) return img, text_bbox def apply_vertical_middle( self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox ) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: col = np.random.randint(1, img.width - 1) thickness = np.random.randint(*self.thickness) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img) draw.line( (col, 0, col, img.height), fill=self._get_line_color(img, text_bbox), width=thickness, ) return img, text_bbox def apply_bottom(self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: in_offset, thickness, out_offset = self._get_tb_param() new_w = img.width new_h = img.height + thickness + in_offset + out_offset new_img = transparent_img((new_w, new_h)) new_img.paste(img, (0, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_img) text_bbox.bottom += in_offset draw.line( list(text_bbox.left_bottom) + list(text_bbox.right_bottom), fill=self._get_line_color(img, text_bbox), width=thickness, ) text_bbox.bottom += thickness text_bbox.bottom += out_offset return new_img, text_bbox def apply_top(self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: in_offset, thickness, out_offset = self._get_tb_param() new_w = img.width new_h = img.height + thickness + in_offset new_img = transparent_img((new_w, new_h)) new_img.paste(img, (0, thickness + in_offset + out_offset)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_img) text_bbox.offset_(text_bbox.left_bottom, (0, new_h)) -= in_offset draw.line( list(text_bbox.left_top) + list(text_bbox.right_top), fill=self._get_line_color(img, text_bbox), width=thickness, ) -= thickness -= out_offset return new_img, text_bbox def apply_right(self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: in_offset, thickness, out_offset = self._get_lr_param() new_w = img.width + thickness + in_offset + out_offset new_h = img.height new_img = transparent_img((new_w, new_h)) new_img.paste(img, (0, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_img) text_bbox.right += in_offset draw.line( list(text_bbox.right_top) + list(text_bbox.right_bottom), fill=self._get_line_color(img, text_bbox), width=thickness, ) text_bbox.right += thickness text_bbox.right += out_offset return new_img, text_bbox def apply_left(self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: in_offset, thickness, out_offset = self._get_lr_param() new_w = img.width + thickness + in_offset + out_offset new_h = img.height new_img = transparent_img((new_w, new_h)) new_img.paste(img, (thickness + in_offset + out_offset, 0)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(new_img) text_bbox.offset_(text_bbox.right_top, (new_w, 0)) text_bbox.left -= in_offset draw.line( list(text_bbox.left_top) + list(text_bbox.left_bottom), fill=self._get_line_color(img, text_bbox), width=thickness, ) text_bbox.left -= thickness text_bbox.left -= out_offset return new_img, text_bbox def apply_top_left(self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: ret = self.apply_top(img, text_bbox) return self.apply_left(*ret) def apply_top_right(self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: ret = self.apply_top(img, text_bbox) return self.apply_right(*ret) def apply_bottom_left( self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox ) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: ret = self.apply_bottom(img, text_bbox) return self.apply_left(*ret) def apply_bottom_right( self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox ) -> Tuple[PILImage, BBox]: ret = self.apply_bottom(img, text_bbox) return self.apply_right(*ret) def _get_lr_param(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: in_offset = np.random.randint(*self.lr_in_offset) out_offset = np.random.randint(*self.lr_out_offset) thickness = np.random.randint(*self.thickness) return in_offset, thickness, out_offset def _get_tb_param(self) -> Tuple[int, int, int]: in_offset = np.random.randint(*self.tb_in_offset) out_offset = np.random.randint(*self.tb_out_offset) thickness = np.random.randint(*self.thickness) return in_offset, thickness, out_offset def _get_line_color(self, img: PILImage, text_bbox: BBox): if self.color_cfg is not None: # TODO: pass background image return self.color_cfg.get_color(img) return ( np.random.randint(0, 170), np.random.randint(0, 170), np.random.randint(0, 170), np.random.randint(90, 255), )